Draw A Classic Chair Competition
Draw A Classic Chair Competition
During lockdown in a digital age, twentytwentyone are going back to basics. Time to play with pencils and paper, and to open our eyes to see things in a slightly different light.
We have five £100 gift vouchers to award for our Draw a Classic Chair Competition, independently judged by a panel of leading designers.
The competition doesn’t only rely on the accuracy or drawing skill, it is as much about a drawing with the most character and soul, and one that might capture the spirit of a historical design classic.
Choose your most coveted design, the chair can be one in your house, or a favourite from a book, film or museum.
Enter yourself, ask your children, suggest to a friend.
Submit your design here.
Please include your full contact details, age (where appropriate) and Instagram name, as we will publish some works as they arrive. Winners will be asked to post their original artwork so they can be scanned.
The closing date is May Day bank holiday, 08.05.2020.
Good Luck!