Social Togetherness: Koda Munetoshi
What creative pursuits are you doing now that you ordinarily wouldn’t manage if the world were at its normal pace?
Our government has just declared the state of emergency a few days ago, so for me, the world was still at normal pace for the moment. But, from next week, the situation will be changed, so I would like to spend time to write a book (compile my know-how) to establish a brand in the international market for Japanese furniture manufactures because they’re still facing difficulties to penetrate own-brand into the international market.
Are you learning a new skill, craft or hobby?
Well, I learned how difficult it is to make my son finish his lunch within an hour.

What positive change might come from Covid-19 for you, or your wider community, or the world at large?
Thanks to “remote-working”, now I’m spending much, much, more time with my family, compared with before. It takes an hour (from door to door) to commute to my office, so I can spend at least 2 more hours with my family every day. I think I’m spending 3-4 hours with my kids now in a day. Before the Covid-19, I even couldn’t spend 30 min with kids in a day (weekday).
This is absolutely the positive change to me. And, a lot of fathers in Japan must agree with me, I guess.
Any interesting projects, exhibitions or launches for later this year that you can share?
Well, there is some news actually, but they need to be confidential for some more weeks.
Thank you, Koda, for taking the time to speak to us.