Mario Bellini

Mario Bellini, born 1935 in Milan, studied architecture at the Milan Polytechnic. He taught at the Istituto Superiore di Disegno Industriale in Venice from 1962-65 and worked as a design consultant for Olivetti from 1963-91.

He also designed independent products and furnishings beginning in 1963, establishing the architectural and design firm Studio Bellini in Milan in 1973. He served as a design consultant to Renault from 1978-82. In 1987 the New York Museum of Modern Art honoured him with a retrospective exhibition of his works. He was an instructor at the Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna from 1982-83 and at the Domus Academy in Milan from 1983-85.

Bellini was chief editor of Domus magazine between 1986-91. He assumed a position on the architectural faculty at the University of Genoa in 1995 and teaches seminars and workshops at universities and academic institutions around the world.

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