• Pernilla 1 | Webbed, Bruno mathsson, Bruno mathsson international
  • Pernilla 1 | Webbed, Bruno mathsson, Bruno mathsson international

Pernilla 1 | Webbed

Pernilla 1 | Webbed by Bruno Mathsson for Bruno Mathsson International.

The Pernilla chair epitomises Mathsson's fascination with improving ergonomics, which began in the 1930s when he started studying the "mechanics of sitting." To conduct his research, Mathsson sat on a snowdrift and observed the imprint his body made.

The Pernilla chair, featuring a unique ergonomic design and a low centre of gravity, is widely considered a significant piece in the early Swedish modernist movement. Mathsson chose high-quality materials such as woven hemp for the seat and solid beech and bentwood for the frame to provide comfort and create an eye-catching design.

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Pernilla 1 | Webbed by Bruno Mathsson for Bruno Mathsson International.

The Pernilla chair epitomises Mathsson's fascination with improving ergonomics, which began in the 1930s when he started studying the "mechanics of sitting." To conduct his research, Mathsson sat on a snowdrift and observed the imprint his body made.

The Pernilla chair, featuring a unique ergonomic design and a low centre of gravity, is widely considered a significant piece in the early Swedish modernist movement. Mathsson chose high-quality materials such as woven hemp for the seat and solid beech and bentwood for the frame to provide comfort and create an eye-catching design.

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Chair: 66w x 86d x 26/100cmh
Footstool: 52w x 65d x 40.5cmh

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Seat frame crafted from solid birch with underframe of laminated beech.

Upholstered in plaited webbing black polyester or in dark or natural linen.

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